Our Aims
To relieve poverty in particular by the provision of furniture and household goods recycling service to those people resident
in County Durham who are in necessitous circumstances. To support those in need, we must in turn rely on the generosity and
support of the local community.
We are a registered charity (charity number 1112344) and a Not for Profit Company limited by guarantee (company number
5559147). We also believe in equal opportunities and aim to help anyone in need.
If you are able to help and support us in our work, call us on 01388 721509
Who Can Get Help?
Anyone can visit us and receive help, in the form of household goods, which we are happy to deliver
to those within 12 miles of Chilton for £5.00. An extra charge to cover petrol costs for deliveries outside this range will be applied on an individual basis.
We have been steadily expanding and improving our operation and now serve over 2,000 people per month through our showrooms
on the Chilton Industrial Estate - supplying them with everything from full bedroom suites through to washing machines, pots,
pans, cutlery...